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Player | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
1. Nathan F and Tyler L (Dixon Grove) | 91-129 0.0-1.0 -38 = -38 | 191-116 1.0-1.0 +75 = +37 | 72-273 1.0-2.0 -201 = -164 |
2. Sean T and Ahsan A (Dixon Grove) | 116-252 0.0-1.0 -136 = -136 | 116-191 0.0-2.0 -75 = -211 | 148-234 0.0-3.0 -86 = -297 |
3. Imran B and Miranda B (Dixon Grove) | 75-259 0.0-1.0 -184 = -184 | 108-137 0.0-2.0 -29 = -213 | 193-246 0.0-3.0 -53 = -266 |
4. Vyshnave S and Nathan S (Derrydown) | 138-251 0.0-1.0 -113 = -113 | 137-108 1.0-1.0 +29 = -84 | 207-111 2.0-1.0 +96 = +12 |
5. Krishna P and Abhay D (Derrydown) | 224-163 1.0-0.0 +61 = +61 | 161-374 1.0-1.0 -213 = -152 | 234-148 2.0-1.0 +86 = -66 |
6. Stefan M and Hugh C (Swansea) | 252-116 1.0-0.0 +136 = +136 | 179-208 1.0-1.0 -29 = +107 | 216-222 1.0-2.0 -6 = +101 |
7. Sarah and Kruti (Rivercrest) | 259-75 1.0-0.0 +184 = +184 | 208-179 2.0-0.0 +29 = +213 | 197-342 2.0-1.0 -145 = +68 |
8. Katharine and Matthew W (Rivercrest) | 163-224 0.0-1.0 -61 = -61 | 184-276 0.0-2.0 -92 = -153 | 246-193 1.0-2.0 +53 = -100 |
9. Erika and Aakash (Rivercrest) | 129-91 1.0-0.0 +38 = +38 | 46-232 1.0-1.0 -186 = -148 | 111-207 1.0-2.0 -96 = -244 |
10. Kuhan and Andrey (Palmerston) | 362-239 1.0-0.0 +123 = +123 | 374-161 2.0-0.0 +213 = +336 | 342-197 3.0-0.0 +145 = +481 |
11. Hanina and Ebony (Palmerston) | 207-212 0.0-1.0 -5 = -5 | 232-46 1.0-1.0 +186 = +181 | 273-72 2.0-1.0 +201 = +382 |
12. Andreas H and Nolan M (Rolph Road) | 239-362 0.0-1.0 -123 = -123 | 276-184 1.0-1.0 +92 = -31 | 308-247 2.0-1.0 +61 = +30 |
13. Tarra T and Paige B (Rolph Road) | 251-138 1.0-0.0 +113 = +113 | 179-299 1.0-1.0 -120 = -7 | 247-308 1.0-2.0 -61 = -68 |
14. Kishan P and Erin K (Rolph Road) | 212-207 1.0-0.0 +5 = +5 | 299-179 2.0-0.0 +120 = +125 | 222-216 3.0-0.0 +6 = +131 |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.270. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.